Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I'm alive, I promise. Just recovering from the baby shower and the end of the school year! :)

And now, trying to determine with Matt which contractor to use to replace our HVAC. Right about now, I wish I had a "choose your own adventure" book. It would be entitled The Amazing Air Conditioner Adventure. On about page 10 or so, it would give you the option of contractor 1 (turn to page 11), who installs a brand with the lesser reputation but the 99 year condenser warranty, 2 years of free servicing 2x/year, and proclaims to pull permits and have the municipal building inspector come inspect the finished job; or contractor 2 (turn to page 25), who quotes you on a superly efficient unit with a better reputation and seems more professional and thorough. I would read ahead and see how each contractor panned out, and then go back and make the right decision.

But, there's not an HVAC choose your own adventure book. I believe we are about to choose our own adventure indeed, don't get me wrong. I just hope the adventure is one we're pleased with in the end! Does anybody have a "best contractor" detecting device we could borrow?


"Alice" said...

So which adventure did you choose? 1 or 2? :)