Saturday, August 16, 2008

On your mark....

... the school year is about to begin and we are SWAMPED!

I started getting my classroom ready the week before preplanning (actually, the Friday before that !). With 2 teachers on my team who are new to my school, one of whom is a first year teacher and the other hasn't been a homeroom teacher before, I thought it best to get my room as ready as possible to be available to help them and answer questions. Boy, am I glad I did! They are both GREAT, and I'm really excited to have them on the team, but I was running around getting answers to lots of questions and working on things for the writing committee that came up. I cannot imagine where I would be if I hadn't already put most of my room in order, because I was still at school 12 hours yesterday--8 to 8! Whew! Then we stopped by again today (Matt came with me) and we stayed for probably 2-3 more hours, I think.

I have one thing left to do for prep that really needs to be done for Monday. The other things I want to do can wait until the second week of school. And I need to finish deciding on plans for the rest of the week after Monday. Add to that a tropical storm that is projected to hit the gulf side of Florida near Orlando as a hurricane and then basically cut right up through us--the first week of school--and it makes for one CRAZY week coming up!

So, we're about to make the 2 week spring to Labor Day weekend, at which point we catch a little breather before diving in again. I really think I have a *fantastic* group this year, and I am very excited to get started with them. I have 19 in my homeroom, I keep all of them for reading, writing, science, and social studies, but I'm currently slotted with 4 (count 'em, FOUR) students for math. Amazing, huh? I can only imagine the things we'll get to do with only FOUR! At most, I might end up with 3 additional students.... that's still only 7!!! WOW!

I need to head for bed--our church is starting back up with 2 services again for the fall beginning tomorrow and we are on for ushering. We hope this finds you well, and please be patient as the first weeks of school are hectic. I'll be back to more regular posting soon, I hope. :)



"Alice" said...

the life of a teacher is crazy!!! praying for you that ALL goes well. good luck with the first week of school and your tropical storm! oh my!!! 4-7 math students - this is me overcome with envy ;) miss you and good luck!