Thursday, August 21, 2008

Embroidering Fool!

On July 7, I ordered the software that allows me to use my embroidery machine to the fullest extent--including embroidering with almost any font installed on my computer (one of my favorite parts)!

Jump 1.5 months later, and the software finally came in! There was a hold up in customs, but I picked up my software and installed it yesterday. Today and tomorrow I am home because school was canceled for Tropical Storm Fay (yea for now, boo for making the days up later... maybe even having to go an extra day before Christmas break). All in all, I am hoping to make the most of the time (though I'd rather be continuing to establish those routines with the kiddos, etc.) by catching up on the pile of things I've been (not always so patiently) waiting to embroider and monogram!

I'll post more on my craft blog about my embroidery adventures than here, but I just had to show you my latest one. Not only do I think it's really cute, and not only does it reference one of my favorite collegiate campaigns, but it's actually CENTERED (that's been my big struggle of the day). Check it out! :)


Anonymous said...

You figured out how to center it!
YEA for not giving up!! I love the fUTure design. It's SOOOO cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh B! That is awesome! Congrats on centering...and the UT theme is oh so very creative! I love it!