Monday, June 18, 2007


This is a day late, but hopefully it won't be counted a dollar short.

I just wanted to underscore again how blessed Matt and I are with the fathers the Lord has placed us with!

Dad, I love you very much and it makes my heart leap when we come see you, you come see us, I talk to you on the phone, or you email me. :) I will always be your pumpkin :), and I can't wait until our next visit. I've said it before, but your character, your love for Mom first and for us kids, and especially your love of God has molded me in so many ways for which I cannot express enough my gratitude and appreciation.

Happy Father's Day also to Jerry! He has been Matt's best bud and confidante all through growing up. I know it meant the world to Matt to have his father at his side as best man at our wedding. Thank you too, for all the ways you shaped Matt's mind, heart, and actions. I have you and Judi to thank for raising such a wonderful man to whom I am blessed to be married! Also, thank you for welcoming me into the family so warmly. Your acceptance in word and deed at the wedding and reception (and since then) was noted by many. I am glad to be a Kubo! :)

Lastly, happy Father's Day to our bros! They both have children of their own (and out of the womb) this year! You guys are doing a remarkable job with the little ones God has entrusted to you! We are excited to join you in the parenting adventure in the Lord's timing! For now, we're soaking up all we can by watching you--and we have great models in you (and our dads, of course). :) I LOVE you, and I can't wait to see you soon (and not JUST because I get to cover my niece and nephews in kisses)--I can't wait to see YOU!

p.s. Sorry the pictures are so washed out and at angles... I just snapped them in the album.