Monday, June 18, 2007

Baby Blanket

Here is a fleece tie blanket I'm working on for one of Matt's coworkers. I left one corner untied so we can get Joy to embroider it for us with the baby's initials when we got to TN soon. The baby is due in July (I think), so it will be perfect timing to mail it off after it's embroidered. It's fun to take Matt to the fabric store. He almost, kiddingly, picked pink camouflage! Eeek! :) He settled on this watermelon-esque print instead. :)

We hope baby Abigail will like it (and her parents, too)!

Other than this today, I mowed the yard to surprise Matt before he came home to have lunch with me. I emailed some people from work, emailed a friend, made us lunch, and finished designing/ordered the postcards for The Incredible Week. They should arrive by next Monday!

We hope your week is off to a good start, and that you had a great weekend! We are BLESSED with wonderful fathers, even though we couldn't be with them yesterday. :-( We praise the Lord for you!



Anonymous said...

Tell Matt that I love his fabric choice. It's so cute! I'm sure they'll love it! I'm glad you're having a fun first day of real vacation!

Love, Mom