Saturday, March 24, 2007

Pomp and Circumstance

Sammy is officially an obedience school graduate!

Here are the pics (complete with cap and gown!)!

Sammy in the cap and gown--she did it!!

Sammy (on the left) and her brother Rusty (on the right)

The trainer, Rachel, with Sammy's brother, Rusty

Because only 2 other people remembered graduation was today (it's been a month since our last class), Sammy won both competitions
  • "stay" (endurance--she stayed the longest) and
  • come--speed, she came when called the quickest-2 seconds!))!!!
She is the best dog ever (don't tell Ellie). :)

The Proud Puppy Parents :)
p.s. I think she'll get a treat tonight. ;)