Sunday, March 25, 2007

Praise the Lord!

Our church has spent the last month involved in a capital stewardship program preparing to make commitments toward constructing our own building (we meet in a school auditorium right now--the church bought two parcels of land (next to each other) a little over a year ago, and the elders voted to use some abundant year-end giving in December to pay off the land, so we going into the building campaign with no debt!). As part of the leadership team (because we were leading the children's activities), along with some other families in the church who were asked to consider making an advanced commitment, the goal was to have $500,000 pledged in advanced commitments from that group comprising about 1/4 of the families in our church. Our church is predominantly college and graduate students, so that's a lofty goal. The next "celebration point" was $750,000 when the whole congregation made pledges, and the third point was $900,000 with the body at CCC making sacrificial commitments. The consultant hired to guide us through the process told us in no uncertain termss, "our math and past experience tell us this can't be done--you won't raise this. But I do not want to limit God, so we'll see what He prompts among you." The building will be $1 million to $1.5 million when all is said and done.

Well, this past Thursday was the date to turn in advanced commitments
(some families were specifically asked to make a commitment in advance, anyone was welcome to do so), and today was the day for the whole congregation to turn in their commitment pledges. Our pastor announced the total for the advanced commitments--coming from just 1/4 of the families--was... you won't believe it! The total from that 1/4 of the families was..... $1 million!!!!!!!!! I think everyone was FLOORED! We are SO thankful and SO excited! It is amazing to be in the midst of God's movement and will! And we PRAISE Him for His faithfulness!

Also, I got to spend the afternoon with Jamie yesterday, which was SUCH a blessing--I'll write more later. Among other things, I got to ask her about VBS (she was the director last year), and her answers to my questions gave me peace to say yes to directing VBS this year. Please continue praying as we seek to acquire our curriculum--that the Lord would raise volunteers and already be readying the hearts of the children AND adults who will be involved!

We hope your weekend was as obviously God-filled and covered as our was. :)



"Alice" said...

Yea and YEA! Wow! What an amazing parish you have to raise that much money on only a fraction of the parishioners! God is truly working in them AND in you! I was curious about VBS and I'm so glad you came to a decision and have peace about it. Have a wonderful week B!!!