Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Long time..

So I know I'm overdue for an update. Unfortunately, this week has been a little crazy!

  • We had a WONDERFUL visit with my parents, my uncle, and my cousin over the weekend. The only problem was its length... WAY too short!
  • Monday was a tad of a sad afternoon coming home to a very empty house after it was FULL of people we love so much! Not exactly the right "mood" for blogging... more like the right mood for tears (my dear, sweet husband is such a patient man!)
  • Yesterday I came home and then pretty much fell asleep on the (new) couch until Matt called to say he was coming home! Yikes! He even made dinner, because I was so tired and sleepy.
  • Today was an early release day, but I also stayed late in order to exchange the teacher workday Friday for a day off... that meant working from 12:30-5:30 in my classroom..... looooots of grading going on in my room, especially some fun writing prompts and science projects.
  • Tomorrow I stay late again, but not quite as late. And then Friday is OFF!! Tomorrow my class is also presenting their Black History Month powerpoints! And we have a free day for resource, so I'm hoping to get in some cursive and science, and maybe a quiz or two before the week is over and the long weekend is here!
  • Friday is my day off--woo hooooooo!
  • Saturday is Sammy's graduation.... we need to brush up on a few things. ;)
  • Jamie is coming to visit on Saturday!!!
  • Sunday is the all church event for the stewardship program
  • I need to make a decision about directing VBS this summer.... I'm hoping Jamie will have some good insight since she did it last year. And I need total peace one way or the other... I keep going back and forth just when I think I have peace!
  • One week until spring break!
  • Two months of school left (EEEEK!) :)
  • That's all for now
Lots of love!


Joy said...

Whew! I am worn out from reading your list! Know that we here are also looking forward to your spring break and a chance to see your face. The big count down is on for Charis. She walks around the house saying,"Auntie Beas soon!" and then she will tack on, "Uncle Ox too!". She wants you to read her the train book when you come...fair warning! :) We hope that you have a sweet weekend and that the Lord will give you clear wisdom regarding VBS! Love to you both!

"Alice" said...

And I thought I was a busy girl! I hope you have a super spring break with the family! Aren't you excited that this school year is almost over? Depending on how my kids are sometimes I'm more excited about no students for 3 months and sometimes I'm more excited about a new class and seeing my little ones grow up! :) Good luck at Sammy's graduation and I hope that your visit with Jamie is fun and fruitful as far as VBS. You have a great weekend!!!