Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Make Way for Couches!

Last night Matt and I moved our couch to the den to make room for our new living room furniture to be delivered today! It arrived first thing this morning... take a look!

It IS huge, so we'll have to do some rearranging, but it's so comfy, and I'm excited!! Come see it for yourself! ;)


Anonymous said...

Becca, they look great! I really like them-they are neutral and stylish and you can do a lot with them. And I have heard ultrasuede is really good as far as stain resistant (which comes in handy with a dog!).
I love seeing your house pictures!

Anonymous said...

I think the lamp might look better on a table...but I'm not an interior designer.

They look awesome!

Anonymous said...

becca, i LOVE the couches!! look great to cuddle up on and read a good book!! and i think the lamp looks stylish in the middle of the different!! :) have fun rearranging! B<><

"Alice" said...

I LOVE your couches! They look so cozy! Now I have a great idea of what I want for our family room someday! Great job picking them out!!! And I like the lamp on the floor. It's very mod! ;) hehehe5

Joy said...

Hey Becca! How fun to see the couches in your very home! I am excited to see the final arrangement.
On Matt's comment lamps on the floor could be the next big thing you could start a new trend! ;)

Becca said...

Ha ha ha, Matt. %-) The tables still needs the legs put on them, so that's where the furniture guys put it. It's actually sitting on the floor where the end table might go now.

I can't believe I might get to see you two weeks in a row (?)--my spring break and then when you come down to FL!!! That would be the best ever. :)

Love you!