Saturday, February 17, 2007

Friends and Family

Here's a sampling of how I've spent my last couple days....

Auntie Becca & Baby Sam

Charis and "AuntieBeez" (Yea! I have a name!)

Sam again

I've also had the blessing of sharing time and meals with Ruthie, Kerry, Bekah, Libby, and Susan. Wow! God is sooo good to allow me time with these dear friends, and I am so thankful to them for making time for me. :)

Lastly, but certainly not least, I've enjoyed the rest of my family (besides the niece and nephew) very much. :) It's great to be with everyone again... I just miss my man! :) Tomorrow we are celebrating Dad's birthday. I'm so excited to actually be here for a birthday!!

Next post, I'll write about my plane ride (it was eventful), and the flight that almost wasn't (for me, at least)!



"Alice" said...

awww...I'm so glad you're getting to spend time with your family!!! But I'm sorry that you miss Matt. You'll be home with him soon. I can't wait to see those pictures!!! Have a fun rest of your long weekend.

"Alice" said...

YEA FOR BABY PICS!!! Charis is so beautiful! She looks just like you too!!! Sam looks like Ariana. That dark skin and hair. Wow! Is there any way to see a pic of Sam and Matt and Ariana. I'd like to see what of Sam is who? You know? Well anyway you look at it, he's a precious baby!!!