Thursday, July 17, 2008

Soooo Excited!!

I just went to check the mail, and I as I flipped through the envelopes and magazines (yea, Real Simple!), I saw our utility bill.

Dun, dun, dunnnnnnn the moment of truth!

Our first bill that includes time with the new HVAC...

Has it made as much of a difference in efficiency as we hoped????


Even though this bill includes time we still had the old unit, even though we're at our hottest time of year, it's $100 cheaper than our summer bills last year!!!! It's cheaper than our monthly average!!!! I am so, so, so excited!

Thank you, Lord!! :)


Anonymous said...

Hip, hip hooray! What a blessing!!
I'm so glad that you guys can finally be comfortable AND still have a decent cooling bill.


Jennifer said...

$100!!! Holy Moly, I need to get me a new A/C.