Monday, July 07, 2008

Quick Update

We spent the last week split between our two families in SC and TN. We got to spend much-needed time with each of them, celebrate a baby shower, a birthday, Independence Day, catch up with friends before the move, see a beautiful park, wakeboard, and play with the kiddos. It was GREAT! I'll have pictures soon, but first I need to let you know about another perk of the new HVAC system (I'm sure you're groaning, so I'll try not to talk about it too much more).

This may be gross to some or just completely boring to others, but every time we have gone on vacation during the past 2 years we have lived in this house, we have come home to moldy, mildewy toilets. The bowl and underneath side of the side have been yucky every time. Now, it's not like "left food in the fridge for 2 months and it has its own head of hair" gross, but still, gross when you're used to keeping a clean house!

Since the new HVAC controls for humidity, I wondered if this would solve our vacation bathroom issues. IT DID!!! For the first time in over 2 years, we came home from vacation to toilets as sparkling white as the day we left them! So dorky to be excited about it, but we are very happy. :) And now I'm wondering if the new system might also help curb the mildew that pops up in our master shower within a week of scrubbing it.

So many perks to the new HVAC... who knew??? :)

Stay tuned for vacation pictures! And happy belated birthday to my WONDERFUL husband!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the air conditioning is making such a difference!! What a praise! We sure had a sweet time celebrating your husband's birthday with you all!
