Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Out of My Mind!

  • 2 half days left with the kids (where has the time gone??)
  • the kids did so well with our "picture pet show" today
  • they were GREAT during the end of the year party and class awards ceremony
  • I am officially (kinda sorta... it goes into effect the coming school year, but I have the contract!) tenured! Woo hoo! I am on "professional services contract" (i.e. tenure) as of the 08-09 school year! What a cool blessing! :)
  • I am so out of my mind with end of school stuff that I cannot for the life of me find our tax refund check--great, huh? Thankfully, if I can't find it after some more hunting, the IRS is kind enough to issue a replacement check so we can still get our money back. Whew!
  • I can't wait for next week when this year will be over and I can feel sane again (no wise-cracks about my sanity, please)! ;)


"Alice" said...

and now it's all over!!! congrats on tenure...did you find the check?