Sunday, May 04, 2008

There is an end in sight!

When we first moved into our house, the yard was SO overgrown! We are finally at a point that the "clean up" efforts seem like they will come to a close. Sometimes I wondered if we'd ever get there! Here are some pictures of the progress we made this weekend. :)

plants we bought for one of the cleared spaces

Look at that! The debris piles are REALLY shrinking!

We took out really scraggly bushes on either side of the front door. I would like larger, not "grape cluster" planters for this area, and I waited all of last year for when they would go on clearance at the end of the season.... it's like it stays so warm here that never happened. So we might have to just bite the bullet and get some on sale (instead of on clearance).

A dead tree we cut down (with the kumquat tree in the foreground and palm to the right)

Some Virginia Creeper-like thing had climbed all the way up to these branches from the ground! I yanked it down--that stuff drives me CRAZY!


Anonymous said...

Wow, it's looking GREAT! You two have done a TON of work. (You married a human chopping machine!)
I love the flowers you bought. Can't wait for pictures of them planted! I love you! Mom