Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Nearest Book Meme

Joy posted about lines 6, 7, and 8 from page 123 of the book closest to her. Here's my response!

From Beth Moore's Praying God's Word Day by Day

Lord, if I allow truth to perish in my life and never return to it, I will be held in bondage the rest of my days.
Savior and Lord, You are my way. You are my truth.

You are supposed to pick 5 people to do it, but I'll tag E (Alice).... and/or anyone else. :)


Anonymous said...

Page 123 of Women Women Walk Alone by Cindi McMenamin "And in all the stories, I'm convinced that even though life might look at times like it's spinning out of control, there's a God who knows what He's doing. He's weaving a lesson, preparing a promise, readying a revelation of Himself...He's writing His glory story."
I love you! Mom

"Alice" said...

Hey was it supposed to be pg 123?! I made a mistake sorry. But I posted! :) It's good to be back. I miss you so much!