Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Two Times the Fun

I think I've written before about getting to hang out with my friend T and her twin boys, Taylor and Wesley. The boys are growing so fast! We first met T, her husband R, and the boys back at the beginning of the year through our Bible study. R is finishing his first year of residency on top of the boys being born in October! What a whirlwind year for them, right? I have had the pleasure of going to hang out with T about once a week to talk and play with the boys and catch up from our week's events. It's been a huge blessing to me and answer to prayer in God providing a friend!

Last week T took a fun picture of Taylor and me, and tomorrow Matt and I have a special treat! R and T have concert tickets, so WE get to babysit the boys! Granted, they'll probably be asleep the whole time, BUT, I am really excited to see the boys and to help T and R have a date! They pour themselves out raising these two boys on top of such a stressful year of medical training. We are thrilled for them to have some "grown up" time together. So, here's one of the cute little guys I'll be listening for through the monitors tomorrow night. :) I'll let you know if we hear many peeps. :)


Anonymous said...

He's so cute! I hope you and Matt have a sweet time listening for them tomorrow night. Just think - you're being blessed to be a blessing! Love, Mom