Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Are you in that?

I know I should be in bed, but I just took a couple pictures of my latest sewing project and remembered a funny story from today.

We were watching a Brain Pop! video (educational, humorous cartoons) while the class ate some treats to celebrate a birthday (yes, an April Fool's birthday!). The birthday girl chose one on broken bones, and toward the end it talked about bones becoming more brittle and easily broken as people age. At one point it said something to the effect of, "Women are especially susceptible to broken bones due to osteoporosis," and mentioned something about that becoming more of a problem after menopause. One of the kids turned to me and said, "Mrs. K____, are YOU in that (menopause)?"

Wow. What do I even say to that? I just smiled, replied, "No," and wondered if the birthday girl's mom heard that question.

Gosh, I thought I'd been really fun lately, and I'm cold all the time, not hot.... Hmmmmm..... :)


Anonymous said...

OOOh, you were supposed to be sleeping! :):) - but you cracked me up, instead.

I love you! Mom