Wednesday, March 19, 2008


My class is currently using the software Comic Life to create comics about an animal they researched. There are specific guidelines (including some choice--I'm all about building the autonomy) they followed, and one group is finished with the other 7 *right* behind them. I just HAD to share one with you though. Theirs are a little different than this, but here's an example I made to post on my class's blog for the parents to see until the kids are done. I think it's so fun!!

you simply MUST click it to see it enlarged and read the comments!

oops, Matt pointed out a typo to me in the lower, right box.... please overlook that for now ;)
I have a fever.... does that excuse it?


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! That is incredible!!! You are such an amazing teacher. I never would have come up with that idea. Although we don't have that nifty program either. :)

Anonymous said...

It sure looks like FUN to me!!! No wonder the kis are so excited. I hope you get some rest and feel better soon! Love, Mom