Saturday, June 23, 2007

A Few More Updates

We have done a few more things to the house today. Look below for pics!

Here Matt is hooking everything back up after disassembling the entertainment center. With the new living room furniture, it needed to be moved over. And after a year of living in this house, I wanted the backing nailed back on. He's a hard worker and lugged the tv off by himself--he's determined, too. ;)

I finally hung the cool wooden carved things! :) I really like how it looks.

This is a frame I've been wanting to put together. It's three generations at the beach--my paternal grandparents, my parents, and us. Matt has a beach picture of us he likes better, but I need to try to find it--I think my mom took it at Laguna.

And here's the beach collection in the guest room. :)

Lastly, I moved our "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" to over the closet, where we can actually see it (it used to be above our headboard, but we moved our bed a little and now it's totally off center and there was no way to hang it over the bed and have it centered with the new arrangement).


Anonymous said...

WOW - You guys have been BUSY! I love how everything looks. (Well...I have to IMAGINE how the entertainment center looks..but I bet it's great, too.) The beach picture is wonderful! What a sweet idea! I really like the wooden things, too. :) Please to hurry home! Love, Mom

"Alice" said...

Cute cute cute. Everything seems to be coming together. Even when it all looked together already. :)