Saturday, May 05, 2007

We Got In!!

This afternoon we headed to P.K. Yonge (UF's laboratory school) shortly before 1:00, with the goal of getting ourselves on the waiting list for tickets to the 2:00 performance of Les Miserables (the school edition). When I found out they had the turntable and EVERYTHING and had put $70,000 into the production, and that tickets were $15, I KNEW I wanted to see it. Unfortunately, so did everyone else in Gainesville. By the time I called for tickets, they were sold out for this whole weekend (the last weekend of performances). We were THRILLED to get tickets at about 1:20 or so!!!

The cast did an amazing job. The stage wasn't as big as say, the Fabulous Fox in Atlanta, so it wasn't quite as blow-your-mind at first glance. But knowing the oldest person up there was a senior in high school; it was amazing. Matt had never seen Les Mis before, and he told me afterward, "I could watch that again!" It was very, very well done. The actor who played Jean Valjean had amazing range--all the way up through the true, full high notes in his prayer over Marius. He got some "whoops" from the crowd after that one! Javert was really good, too. He was SUPER tall, so he had this regal, formal air about him, perfect for Javert. He also had a really strong voice, and played the character in such a way that you didn't really like him, but you were sympathetic about how tied he was to his life of rules and law. He was a smidge likable, and I liked that. Cosette and Marius were my other favorite voices. Cosette rivaled that of the Cosette (totally drawing a blank on her name) from the TAC recording--truly. And Marius had a voice with a gentle, sweet tone to it. Matt really liked the Thenardiers, as everyone always does. :) Lastly, the bishop had a really good voice, too.

It was also nice, in my opinion, to see the school version. It was not missing a single song, but it did do without some of the more suggestive choreography and some profanity. :) I am REALLY glad we got to go, especially for the cost of the tickets and caliber of the actors. And I really wanted Matt to get the full effect when he saw it the first time, which he did. They had the turn table, the somewhat transparent curtain upon which they projected the place and year of various scenes, and they constructed the barricade from items around the Act I set. And there were some little nuances I haven't seen or caught before in ATL or Knoxville that were fun. For instance, when Jean Valjean comes to collect Cosette from the Thenardiers, Madame Thenardier whispered Cosette's name in her husband's ear when he was telling Valjean how much Cosette was just "like one of [their] own." :) And during "A Heart Full of Love," Marius and Cosette did a GREAT job of portraying their hesitancy and bashfulness. When Marius said "I'm doing everything all wrong," he turned around away from Cosette, and she turned toward him at that point to go to him, then quickly whipped around and acted quite embarrassed and demure when he turned back to her. I'm sure you had to be there, but all that's to say we really enjoyed the acting and singing as well as the elaborate set that is Les Mis. :)

This show has been the hardest ticket in town to get, so we praise the Lord we were able to get in! It looked as though we were going to have to come try the waiting list again for the 7:00 performance tonight, but God got us in this afternoon. :) Now Matt wants to still see The Scarlet Pimpernel and Wicked. :) He also allowed as how Miss Saigon was good, but this was much better. ;) I wholeheartedly agreed, especially with the gentle message of God's grace, mercy, and love.

We hope your weekend is off to a good start and that you too see God's grace, mercy, and love as you go about the days He has given you. We certainly do, in even the small details like play tickets. :)



Brad Guilford said...

I'm so jealous that you got see Les Miserables! The best musical ever! I'm glad you enjoyed it and it sounds like a great production, especially for a high school! I think it's cool that Matt really liked it, but seriously, how can you not like Les Mis? And if you ever get the chance, I know you would like Wicked, too.

Anonymous said...

What a blessing that you got to go to Les Mis. I am so happy for you guys. I just wish we could have seen it too! :) :) I'm glad you're having such a FUN weekend! We love you! mOM

"Alice" said...

That's wonderful that you got to see that show. I'm so glad that Matt liked it. You must have a wonderful theater program that puts on these amazing plays. I'm glad you two enjoyed it.