Sunday, May 06, 2007


Well, another weekend is drawing to a close. I have to say, God has stretched this one out quite a bit for us. But every weekend that brings me closer to summer vacation makes me long for it more! :)

Yesterday, as you read, we had the distinct delight of acquiring unexpected tickets to see Les Miserables (Matt's first time, my third). It truly was such a well-done performance. I'm so glad we got to go! It DID end up taking up a lot of our day, but it was time well-spent together. We got out around 5:30, stopped by home to check on Sam and pick up a gift card. Then we beat the UF graduation rush to Olive Garden for dinner. Stopped at Lowe's (across the parking lot) for something we needed for the house and back to home we went. I mustered the motivation to complete my lesson plans for this week, and Matt worked on some sort of analysis for work.

This morning we went to church, and we had usher/greeter duties. Church actually met an hour earlier than usual, due to an arts festival on the school's grounds. After church we perused the festival and found Mother's Day gifts for both our moms! Now, if only I can get them in the mail on time! :)

Once we got home, it was time for lunch and a little relaxation. I told Matt, "I don't have to do lesson plans today!!" I do NOT like doing them on Saturday, BUT I prefer most of all NOT to do them on Sunday. :) Only a few weeks left... :)

Then we prepared for Bible study and off we went. We both ended up engaged in conversations that kept us there til 9, and the family whose house we meet at kindly invited us and another couple to stay and have pizza with them. It was a Gville only "brand" of pizza we've heard about that's supposed to make big, cheap pizzas. They were really good!

Now we're home. Poor Sammy is still having tummy troubles due to her affinity for the kumquats that fall off the tree rather overripe. :-( She needs a bath tonight, but I'm waiting until Matt gets back. He ran out to put gas in his car and pick up some toothpaste. :)

Lately I've wrestled with some things as God has moved our hearts change the time line of some plans and hopes. I have been learning so much in the process. Matt has also been tremendous throughout the whole thing. These changes mostly throw a kink in the works for me, and it's been hard to swallow at times. He recently came home with this sweet, little bouquet. I put it on my dresser. Just around the corner from a top 10 list we've composed of reasons why the change of plans could be/is a blessing. God has been faithful to CONTINUE giving me glimpses of GOOD things coming out of this change. And, in the face of something I never thought I would like, He has given me great joy. He has cast a sweet vision, albeit not my original plan, and made IT my heart's desire. There's still a little space where the old hopes had taken root, but those roots are slowly withering and hurt less and less. I've just been amazed at God's gentleness through the whole thing. It certainly didn't feel gentle at the first jolt, but He really has shown me reasons why He's leading us as He is. He could have left His word to us as "just" His call, but God has been so gentle to show us some possible "whys." And I wouldn't trade my first plan for any of the ways that may be in the works with our new path for the next while.

Today's been one of those days when my hearts still aching a little for that now-empty space in our hopes. But it's been compounded by something I never would have anticipated either. This new plan for which God has cast a vision to us has so many things I'm looking forward to, besides the main change, that I can't wait for it to get here. I'm so excited by all the little "whys" He's given me a glimpse of, that I long to be at that point in time! I'm not surprised that I would love to already be at that point, but I did surprise myself that it wasn't just my flesh pining for what I want. My longing is based on all the things God has shown us He can work as a result of re-arranging things. How gracious He is to give us fresh eyes to see and a renewed heart to walk in His ways!

So that is us for now. This is a busy month, and we're already a week into it! Charis turned 2 last week, Micaiah should be joining us by the end of the month (I hear he looks just like Brad in the 3d ultrasound!), school will be out (almost... the last day for students is June 1), Sammy will be a year old... I'm sure there will be countless more adventures to go on and Words over which to ponder with the Lord.

May He be near to you today and each day!



Anonymous said...

I certainly see the Lord working in your weekend. Thanks for sharing about what He is doing in your heart. It's a sweet thing when He tenderly leads, isn't it. We LOVE you! Mom

"Alice" said...

Beautiful bouquet. Yea for God and all his wonders!!! :)