Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sunshine in the Shadows

Lately I've struggled some again with being so far away and having so little (no) friends here. It's so much easier to make friends in school, because you automatically have your major in common once you're in upper-level classes. And while we know great people at church, no relationships there yet have truly led to friends. I find myself again feeling like I'm almost just on an extended vacation or extended work assignment here, and feeling like I'll be going back home to TN anytime now. It's hard. It's hard being the only one of my siblings that does not live in our hometown. It's hard watching my niece and nephew(s) growing up 9 hours away from me (though, praise the LORD, Charis knows my name, asks where I am, and even asks to call me--already, at 2 years old, when she could count on her hands how many times she's ever seen me). It hurts to be this far and feeling somewhat removed from everything that's going on back home.

And that is where I CLING to KNOWING God brought us here and standing on the Ebenezer of His faithfulness and goodness to us in this place--all the things big and small the Lord has done to reaffirm over and over His guidance and direction in our being in FL, 9 hours away. From jobs to the house, in particular. But even in little things, like getting to see Les Miserables. In the midst of my pain and loneliness, I do NOT want to turn a blind eye or hardened heart to His hand, presence, and action in our lives here. He is here with us, and He stands with us as we wait for more community and deeper roots.

I do have to say, even though I do not have friends at work (since Jamie moved to ATL), the Lord is showing me I am accepted and appreciated there. This week is teacher appreciation week, and one family in particular is totally spoiling me! Three of my students got together over the weekend and made decorations for my door. When I walked to my room Monday morning, I thought I was at the wrong room! There were little sayings about education and the difference a good teacher makes, a list of "great teachers throughout history" that said at the bottom, "and best of all.... Rebecca Kubo" made by the mom. Thank yous, and "you brighten my day" and "you're the best," with glitter and crepe paper too! Then on Tuesday, one of the same students came to school with heart-shaped post it notes and some trail mix for taking a break. :) Then on Wednesday, she came in with a bag full of fun little things and a poem--a cup for when yours overflows, a 100,000 bar because that's what you should be paid, bath stuff to pamper myself, etc. :) Then TODAY, she sent in a yellow rose arrangement in a vase. My student said she's bringing something every day, so I can only imagine what tomorrow has in store! One of my kids gave me a big hug and said, "I appreciate you very much, and I wish you would be my teacher every year." Several of my students have come in with books from my "wish list" at the book fair 2 weeks ago (they have each teacher make one). One cool geography book with interesting facts and a child-friendly map of each state, one about the moon (Steven Kellogg), and my very own copy of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane (!). I have felt so loved by all these gestures!! also had a parent I do not even know come up to me out of the blue and tell me how much she wanted her daughter to be in my class next year, but that she heard I was teaching magnet next year (I guess her daughter's not on that track), and she was so disappointed to tell her daughter she didn't think she could get her in my class. I've only been there 1.5 years--I didn't think that was long enough to have a reputation for parents to ask for your class! Whew--God is so good! Thank you for giving me favor as I try to glorify you through the work you've called me to at this time, Lord!

I should go for now. We're had a laaate dinner because Matt worked late tonight. He's so whole-hearted! He made us yummy grilled pork chops and rice! I washed his dishes from last night, folded some laundry, started a new load, and vacuumed while I waited for him.

We hope you have a happy Friday....
and we ESPECIALLY hope that you, JOY, have a SUPER DUPER BIRTHDAY!! We love you, and I'm SOO glad you are my sister! I hope Charis is extra sweet and that you have fun surprises throughout your day. Our gift is on its way; I'm sorry we missed your party! :-( I think you should ask Brad for a vacation to Gainesville for your birthday. :) LOOOOVE you!



Anonymous said...

Hey, Babe - I'm sorry it's hard right now. We actually prayed for you specifically in Moms in Touch this week! We MISS you, too ... but keep recounting the ways God has blessed you so abundantly in that place.
I love you! Mom

"Alice" said...

I'm sorry. My heart feels your pain. But my heart feels your faith in God. You give me faith. :) I miss you. I miss you more when I can't give you the hug you need. But that is one thing those little ones are AMAZING at...hugs. Soak em in B. Let those hugs and smiles be the light that guides you down God's path. I love you and miss you.

N said...

Becca, I'm so sorry it's hard right now...homesickness can be one of the hardest feelings. I resonate with what you say because I'm anticipating moving far away again and the reality of being hours away from family scares me because I don't want to be homesick (we move this coming thursday, the 17th). I'm SO excited about the church and the people and everything, and I KNOW this is where the Lord wants us, yet it feels like homesickness is often the thorn in my flesh that I may always have to fight, and I just don't want it to be a struggle and wish it wasn't hard. Let's pray for each other as we share this similar struggle of longing for home!
Congratulations on all of your encouraging gifts and notes...what wonderful affirmation!!! I don't doubt that you are a wonderful teacher and that your students are so lucky to have you!

Joy said...

Hey Becca! Thanks for the birthday wishes!!! Thanks also for the gift on the way! :) We have had a good day here today so that has been a blessing. We miss you and we love you dearly! Know that we think of you and pray for you often. Even though you are not here in person you are very much apart of our weekly conversations and very much apart of our lives! Much love to you!!!