Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Busy Times!

Whew! With about 2.5 weeks left of school (eek!!), everything is running full steam ahead! Even Matt's been exceedingly busy at work (staying at work until 11 Friday night). I must say again, my husband is so whole-hearted. He is putting everything he has into finishing his latest project well, and I'm proud of him! Way to go, honey!

I myself have a busy week as well. Today was our third and final poetry of the year. It was a "Mother's Day Poetry Tea" in honor of Sunday's holiday. Several moms and grandmothers (9 total, to be exact) were able to join us for our celebration of poetry... and them (through poetry)! :) In writing we have discusses three formats for poetry in the last week or two--shape poems, acrostic poems, and diamante poems. I'm not sure which type was the class's favorite, because they seemed to enjoy them all! For each type, we wrote one together as a whole class composition. Then they wrote a poem of their own in that format about the topic of their choice. Lastly, after getting the hang of that form of poetry, they wrote one about their mother. At the end of our mini-lessons on poetry this go-around, they had 3 free topic poems and 3 mother poems. For the tea, they selected their favorite mom-themed poem to make an extra-special final copy of and read at the poetry tea. They also selected one other poem they composed to read at the tea. Mothers who attended the tea received their copy of the mother poem after their child read it. Mothers who could not attend should receive it today rolled up with a happy bow around it. :)

Tomorrow is the end of year writing prompt in the morning during our reading/language arts block (because it's an early release day, which means no writing period). My class is also taking an end of the year calendar math test tomorrow. Then Thursday is the end of year reading test. Whew! We will be done with big tests at that point, though! Hooray!! We'll still have a spelling test this week and next week, but I've tried to make those fun as we've finished our spelling curriculum. This week the list consists of the names of everyone in my reading groups, the three third grade teachers' names, and our administrators' names. :) Our special area (resource) teachers' names are the bonuses. :) hehe

Also on Thursday is a church women's event at a bead store in town. It's been "mine" to coordinate after taking Jamie's place on the women's fellowship team. It's a busy time of year for everyone, so I'm not sure what our turn out will be. But, I'm doing my best to coordinate some little snacks and such. I also had to make an announcement in church on Sunday. I told Matt I would have asked another team member to do it if I didn't think they would think I was crazy for not just doing it myself. But I survived. :)

On top of all that, I think I'm supposed to have a VBS ("Kids' Club") meeting on Thursday after school. We've been sending info in to be reimbursed from our FSA before its deadline, getting ready to renew our home warranty (we would like to have it when our a/c unit--original from our 1970s home--gives out....), and Matt's coworker is getting married this weekend! The engineers he works with enjoy each other's company quite a bit. :) It's not unusual for one of them to host a video game night that lasts late... past my bedtime at least. :) So, on Thursday Matt is attending one of the aforementioned video game nights, in celebration of his coworker's "bachelor party." Saturday is the wedding---but not before the guys get together in the morning to fire off some ammo. The reception will be followed by a get together for people from his company to hang out with a couple who used to work there and has moved... and are now expecting! Annnnd, we were invited to a semi-business dinner tomorrow night. YIKES!

I keep telling Matt I just need to make it through this weekend. :) All I'll have then is the normal crazy pace of the end of the school year, without the extra stuff. Don't get me wrong, it'll be fun to attend the wedding and see Matt's work friends. It just comes at an already overflowing time of year!

In response to my last post, I just want to mention that the Lord led me back to two verses He gave me earlier as I waited upon Him for something that was a desire of my heart--a husband. As I am waiting again for something etched into my heart's longings, it was sweet to be taken back to the Word He gave me to cling to in the past. And to use that to further stand upon His past and present faithfulness... and His faithfulness to come. The two passages are....

Psalm 27:14
Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.

Habakkuk 2:3
For the vision awaits its appointed time;
it hastens to the end--it will not lie.
If it seems slow, wait for it;
it will surely come; it will not delay.

Also, I wanted to mention that our church here is another outcome of God's faithfulness for which we are very thankful. Even all the way down here in Florida.

We hope you had a great weekend and got to tell your mom (or those women God has placed in your life to nurture you, physically and spiritually) you love her! :)



Joy said...

Whew! I need a nap after reading all that! You guys are definitely into May full swing! KT and I have decided that May is the new December! ;) Know that we are thinking of you guys and praying for you as the end of the year wraps up!

Anonymous said...

So how did the Moms like the tea??? I forgot to ask. Did the kids have fun? I hope you get some REST this evening.
I love you!
P.S. Thank you, thank you for the Mother's Day presents. They're PERFECT!!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to tell you that I love you and that I am praying for you!!!B<><