Wednesday, May 23, 2007


So, the end of school is drawing near and things are CRAZY!! I was reminded yesterday at lunch that grades are due in the computer system.... by FRIDAY! EEK! I don't know what I was thinking!? I thought I'd have until the beginning of next week. They posted for us the first day we could begin entering grades, but I had never seen a deadline in the teacher's area of the office. Oh well, now I know. :) I averaged everything today except for reading and writing. Both of those are partially done. And, I did it all by hand (i.e. with a calculator instead of Excel), because my eyes have been blurry (end of year stress induced migraine auras). The computer makes my vision worse, so I didn't think hours of entering grades would be a smooth move at this point. :) Thankfully, everything went well with the calculator. The memory function on a simple calculator is my new favorite. :)

In addition to school, today I was passed by several emergency vehicles on my way home. Then I turned on my street and saw them parked across from my house!! Thankfully, I saw Matt in our front yard, so I knew he was okay. I asked him what was going on--a sheriff's vehicle, 2 ambulances, and a firetruck with special life support were there--and he said all he knew was he heard a huge BOOM sound. We thought maybe something exploded at our neighbor's across the street (the retired Navy man's house, Mom and Dad). I told Matt I thought I saw their camper in the back with a tree on it as I pulled up to our house. It turns out we were both right. A tree from a yard behind them fell on their lanai and camper WITH the wife of the household on the lanai. She was trapped by the tree!! Praise the Lord, they unpinned her and she was "okay." They were concerned about her neck and they bandaged a cut on her forehead. But she was sitting (somewhat) on the stretcher when they brought her out. I think our whole street was standing around trying to figure out what happened. Everyone was talking about the trees they now want to have cut down! All the trees in our yard are sturdy and straight. There are a few pines (the biggest problem, along with Water Oaks) in neighboring yards, but we can't make people cut those down. We can just be thankful for insurance and hope we're not where the trees land if they fall!

Lastly, I was stung several times at our awards ceremony this morning. We went right to lunch when it was over, so I stopped at our nurse's clinic and got Benadryl while my kids were eating lunch. The stings are ITCHY, and they're right where the seams of my shirt collar are (around my neck, but in the front and on the sides), so my shirt keeps rubbing and irritating them.

All in all, my stings will stop itching, I will get grades put in the computer, and we are home together for the evening and a yummy dinner (grilled pork chops, my special rice, corn on the cob, and green beans). And, thankfully, our neighbor's wife sounds like she'll be okay. If you think of it, please do pray for them though. She seems to be a bit fragile in general, and her husband and daughter (who lives with them) are quite shaken.

Thanks so much for reading! We hope your day was at least a little less "eventful" than ours. :)



Cheryl said...

I'm so thankful your neighbor is okay! I'm glad you're making headway on end-of-year tasks, too. I'm especially happy that you got to have a sweet evening with your husband. :)

I love you! Mom

Masker # 7 said...

Special rice? I have some cooking on the stove right now but it's just plain ole' normal rice...what's your secret??? :)