Friday, April 06, 2007


We had the delightful surprise of a phone call around 6:30 this morning. Matt and Ariana drove all night (so that Samuel would be sleeping) down to Florida to meet her family for a week of vacation in Orlando. He usually wakes up to eat around 7, and they were approaching our exit just about then! They sleepily brought him in, fed him, and went to sleep--as did we.

When I woke back up this morning, I looked in the man room to see if Sam was asleep in there. I didn't see his car seat, so I figured he was in the guest room with Matt and Ariana--I was wrong! I heard a peep from the bed and noticed his turquoise blanket swaddled between some pillows. So sweet!

A little after 10 (his next eating time), I heard him back in the man room and found him trying very hard to eat his fist. I tried to quiet him with his paci, which he sucked on VERY hard, and that worked for a few minutes--then he really cried and that roused his mom. :) He got his morning grub while we gave Matt a "tour" of the house. Then we visited a little, and they left shortly after 11. That should be perfect timing for her parents' flight into Orlando at 1:30 (it's 2-2.5 hour drive to Orlando).

We are so glad we could provide a little pit stop for some food and rest. And, Matt & Ariana got to see our house (and we got some more time feasting our eyes on baby Sam--and his parents). :) They also said he slept the whole way down, but he did have his biggest blow-out to day while she was feeding him at 7 this morning. They had a great sense of humor about it. :)

We hope they have a great rest of their vacation in Orlando! Thanks for stopping by!

(Auntie) Becca


"Alice" said...

what a sweet surprise. a good dose of home just after you left! a good way to get back to normal after a visit home but not cold turkey. :)