Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Sorry I've been kind of MIA the past few days... well, almost a week!
The end of last week was busy finishing up school stuff before spring break, and prepring for our trip home. :)

School ended up fine--just busy. I stayed late most days last week. I can't believe it's busy enough for that ALREADY. We don't get out until the first of June! I can't imagine how much busier it will get as real "end of year" stuff starts piling up. I just have to take it one thing at a time, right?!

On Saturday morning we took Sammy to the vet (to stay at their kennel)--sniff, sniff :( --she was really confused at first, but then she got more comfortable. By the time they led her back, she was wagging her tail and skipping along in her Sammy way behind the vet tech. I've wondered each day how she's doing though. It's taken all I have not to call the vet and ask! But if she's having a rough time, we can't do anything about it from here. So, it's better to just find out when we get home. We took one of her blankies (an old towel), a new toy, and compressed rawhide bone (better than regular rawhide, because big chunks won't break off that can disrupt the digestive system) for her to chew on. When they took her collar off, she looked at me like, "What is going on?!?" I just hope she likes it okay. It's 2 minutes from our house, the vet (it's the one she sees) has a super reputation. I think we'll bring her up with us again SOMEtime, but not everytime (not even close--don't worry parents). :) So, it would just be nice to know there's a place she can "stand" okay.

After we dropped off Samantha, we grabbed breakfast to go and hit the road! Unfortunately, there was traffic north and south of ATL (just what we wanted to hear), so it took 1.5 extra hours. With how much we had to stop and go though, I think we would have made it in under 9 hours (our usual time) if we hadn't had the construction delays. The final four was also in ATL that night, so I'm sure that contributed to the traffic some. Speaking of which, congrats to UF on the repeat (I know that sounds terribly traitor-ish, but come on! It's a pretty big deal). Add another title to "title town."

We got to see Brad, Joy, and Charis (and Cai in Joy's tummy) before they took her home to bed. After dinner, Matt met one of his groomsmen to hang out and catch up, and I met my good friend Jessica. Her husband's in seminary in KY, so we really only get to see each other now if we're both visiting family in TN. They got married the month after us, and coming up for their wedding was our first trip home after our wedding. :) It's always an encouragement to be with her and catch up. It's amazing how someone I really only knew for a year or two is such a sweet friend. :)

On Sunday, Matt was too sick to come to church--plus he'd probably get someone else sick. So I went to Kairos and got to see old friends, and I got to see some Edicks, which is always fun. :) Then the fam was over for lunch that afternoon. I think we pretty much just hung out that day. Then Matt G., Ariana, and Sam came over for an early Easter dinner, since they and we will be in Florida on Easter (they will be vacationing with her family, we'll be back home).

On Saturday, I got to babysit Samuel. It was SOO fun. He is SOOO good! Ariana had an appointment and a meeting, so I got to give him a bottle. Mom said he usually takes 4 oz. from a bottle... I got him to take 7!! :) Then he was so smiley and talkative, very fun. Matt was awake at that point, so it was fun to see him watch Sam, etc. Matt was/is still getting over the nasty cold, so he actually hasn't held Sam yet. Anyway, then I got him to sleep after about 45 min-1 hour of playing. He was out for almost an hour, then he woke up. Mom and I gave him a bath (she asked us to if there was time), and then I got him back to sleep before Ariana got home. :) After Sam went home with her, Matt went to meet some old grad school friends for lunch, and I hung out until it was time to meet up with Ashley. She was one of my bridesmaids, and she's shipping off to JAPAN with the Navy TOMORROW! I'm SO glad I got to see her before she leaves. :)

Last night we watched Stranger than Fiction here at the house. This morning Matt went down to campus to see two former professors (well, they're still profs, but not HIS profs anymore :)). One is a dear family friend of my parents, and his wife let me volunteer in her kindergarten class all though undergrad, so I love the mentoring relationship Matt has with her husband. She mentored me as a teacher, and then he mentored Matt as an engineer. God is so sweet to us. :) My dad took 1/2 day off today to hang out with Matt this afternoon. They are out on the boat wakeboaring. :) Mom and I went shopping. I got all of my summer-spring sandals that I wear to church and work around the same time several years ago.... so of course, they're all falling apart at the same time. We found three pairs of sandals, some skirts, and some shirts. You can never have too many warm-weather clothes in Florida, I have learned. :) My favorite fall and winter clothes are all but obsolete at this point down there.... I wear them MAYBE two months and while we're visiting for Christmas. That left my warmer-weather clothes kind of lacking. They're starting to catch up though. I'm excited for Matt to see what I found. :)

Tonight, Brad, Joy, & Charis are coming for dinner. Tomorrow we're going to some outlets to go browsing/shopping, and then everyone is coming for dinner. After dinner tomorrow, Matt and I are going to B&J's to play Settlers of Catan and Wii. :)

Then on Thursday we head back to Florida. We're timing things to, Lord willing, pick up Sammy right on our way home. I am very excited about that!! Then Matt's taking Friday off for us to just sleep in and be together. Saturday is our church's Easter Egg hunt--to which I invited my class... I hope someone from my class comes!!--and Sunday is church then it's back to work/school!

I don't think we have any more days off in April, so it's a mad dash to Memorial Day in May, and then only one week left after that. Less than TWO months of school left--eek! I have to soak up each day with my kiddos--they're the best. :)

Well, this is long. Kudos if you made it all the way through! :)

Blessings to you this Easter week!


"Alice" said...

sounds like you have had a busy easter break...and it will keep being busy. but yea for that! i'm so glad you are getting to spend time with your family and friends! it's really special to be able to do that. :) enjoy the rest of your easter break! hugs and love to all, especially babies and soon to be babies! ;)