Thursday, June 07, 2007

Another Yard Update

Here are pictures of the planted aztec (monkey) grass! :) Also, there are a few shots of the little irises poking up that Jane gave us from Knoxville. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey, Babe - The Monkey Grass looks GREAT! I really like it! You're going to love the iris when they come up! I can hardly wait! I love you!

"Alice" said...

B! Your yard and house look AMAZING!!! It has been a LONG time since I posted and I'm sorry. But let me tell you, you and your husband are quite talented home owners to make your house look so homey and welcoming! Congratulations to B/J/C and Welcome new C!!! Have fun visiting and I can't wait to see pics of Auntie Beez with everyone. I'm glad the end of the year was so successful but I am sorry it was so emotional, although I suppose it was a happy emotional so I'm glad for that. Matt is such a smart boy! The roses were beautiful, I admit I was a little jealous! :) Oh and I'm sorry you had a little lizard problem. But I'm glad you handled it and didn't die in the process. :) I miss you and we'll have to talk SOON!!!