Thursday, May 31, 2007

Unwelcome "little one"

I found this "scene" in our bathroom a couple weeks ago. I freaked out, but I also managed to get it out of the house (but not without a call to Matt asking what in the world to do and to call me back in 5 minutes to make sure I didn't have a heart attack trying to rid our house of this little guy.

The long story is that I walked into the bathroom one evening and saw him in the sink. I called for Matt, but the lizard crawled down the drain when it saw Matt. Matt closed the drain cover, but then I lamented that now we'd have a decomposing lizard in our sink pipe. Regardless, it was bedtime so we left it closed for the night. The next day (or two later), I walked into the bathroom again. The drain cover was STILL CLOSED, but the lizard was back in the sink! YEOWKS! He must have crawled his way back up the "emergency" drain (you know, the little hole on the side of the sink closest to you). His skin was shedding and he looked quite moist (I just got chills typing this... I know, I know I held Skink every day for Kylan, but this is just different). I called Matt, said heart attack conversation ensued, and then I went to work. I used a disposable tupperware type dish and its lid. I started by putting JUST enough water in the sink that the lizard was floating/swimming, so I could hold the dish over him and slide its lid underneath to trap him. It worked! I had already opened the front door so I could take him right outside and dispose of him. Lizards are NOT welcome IN my house... I'm dealing with the fact they are all over every outdoor square inch of Florida. But I do not want them in my house.

Hopefully no other little Houdinis will be visiting us any time soon. And in case you were wondering, he did live. Hopefully he'll tell his friends how HORRIBLE our house is, and they'll stay away!!

p.s. One day of school left!! :-( (yes, sad face.... I'll really miss my class)


Kim said...

Have you ever seen the baby ones outside? The are like under an inch long. You have to admit . . they are kind of cute. Well, cute might not be the right word . . .

Anonymous said...

Hi, Guys - I'm checking your blog from Dad's laptop. :) I think your little friend is cute...since he wasn't in my sink! Ha, Good job getting him OUT! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Becca, I had the same issues when we lived in FL!!! I shuddered when I read about him being in your sink. Those things would come in under the glass outer door (we had a glass door and then a regular front door). They would run under the couches...Charlie knew the word "LIZARD" and would try to catch them. To this day, he still looks for lizards. We had one in our bathroom once, too, and I had to shut the door....oh, the joys of living in a tropical climate! Those little things are all over the place! I bet Sammy would love to chase them all over the house!

N said...

And OH MY GOSH one time-and I am NOT making this up-Wes went to the bathroom and looked down and there was a FROG crawling in the toilet! He tried to flush it but it kept coming up! It was sooooooo creepy!!!!!!! And it was one of those big frogs, too. Finally it stayed down the toilet after we flushed it a few times. Oh, I'm shuddering again!