Sunday, April 29, 2007

It's Been Awhile...

I know it's been awhile since my last real written post (as fun as the pictures and videos are). I think we've just reached that point (in the school year, at least) where life is a bit of a marathon sprint. I have 25 school days left until the end of the year, and that actually seems impossibly short! Eeek! :) But we're chugging right along, and I'm really enjoying my kiddos (as I have all year).

Here's a little catch up of what we've been up to

  • We have compiled and prioritized a list of improvements we'd like to make to the house. It's exciting to have a real list and come up with a plan to finish updating some things like light fixtures, doors, etc.
  • I tidied up the den a LOT this weekend. Tyson came to visit (more on that later), and I just wanted some things put away. They are not necessarily in FINAL "homes" (some are in temporary storage under a bed), but they are out of the den! I also moved our extra filing cabinet out of the den. :) I'll take a picture soon.
  • I scrubbed the hood over our stove. The stove was uhhh, far from clean, when we moved in. I used a Scotch Brite pad and some Mr. Clean and it looks sparkling now! I also figured out how to replace the light bulb in it, so our hood now has the vent AND a light! :)
  • Last week at school my class wrote about someone they admire. Three or four students wrote about me, which was very sweet. :) For the format we have to teach for expository papers, the students have to write about two reasons for their position, and then each "reason paragraph" includes details and an anecdote. One student who was writing about me came over to my table to ask a question. We've talked a lot about transition phrases to use between paragraphs and to begin the anecdotal story. One they often use is "One time..." Well, this particular student came over to me and apparently chose that I am "smart" as one of the reasons she admires me. She said to me, "Mrs. Kubo, I'm having trouble thinking of one time you were smart." I CRACKED UP! She totally didn't mean it rudely (and she blushed and said she didn't mean it badly when she realized how it sounded), but the whole class was giggling... AND raising their hands with examples of times I did smart things. ;) It was really cute and really funny. She just meant she couldn't decided on a "One time...." anecdotal story about me doing something smart. She settled on the time I multiplied 9,999,999 times 9,999,999.... they seem to be quite impressed by large numbers. ;)
  • Tyson came to visit! He flew down Friday night, and we all went to dinner at On the Border (yummy Mexican food). When we came back, we just relaxed until 11 or so. He'd been up since before 5:00 that morning, so we all got good sleep Friday night. On Saturday I made waffles, and then we sat around trying to decide what to do! We eventually settled on visiting the Santa Fe Teaching Zoo. It's a teaching zoo for the animal tech program at a community college here. They had several animals I'd never heard of, though not the typical lions, tigers, and bears you see at a large zoo. It is however FREE, but they only allow guided tours that begin every 30 minutes (and last 30 minutes). I enjoyed seeing some new animals (like a tree kangaroo and African jumping cat), and now I know I can kill an hour's time for free when we have kids (15 minutes to get there, 30 minute tour, 15 minutes back home). :) After the zoo, the guys hung out while I worked on lesson plans. Then last night we played Settlers of Catan (and Searfarers). Tyson did REALLY well for his first time! I had my best game EVER and won! :) This morning we took Tyson back to the airport and he flew home. We hope he comes again soon. :) But we can be patient, ;) because he's starting a new job.
  • Charis' 2nd birthday party was yesterday. Even though I was reallllllllly sad to miss it, it sounds like a very fun time. We've loved the pictures we've seen so far!
  • Tomorrow is my last field trip of the year. I have lots of parent chaperones coming, and that is a great asset. I hope the class enjoys it. :)
  • E ("Alice") and her husband adopted a puppy, Ferdy! Click the link to "Alice" in the sidebar, and go see a pictures of his sweet, giant ears! :)
  • Lastly, we're getting plans underway for VBS. This year will be centered around an "incredible" super-hero-ish theme (think The Incredibles the movie). I think it will be really fun. :)
  • It's officially hot here in FL.
I guess that's about all for now! We hope you had a great week, and I'll try to do better at keeping up! :)



Joy said...

Thanks for the catch up! It sounds like you guys are continuing to be super busy!

How fun that Tyson could visit and the zoo sounds like a blast but just so you know when you do have kiddos it will kill more than an hour! ;) It will take longer than 15 minutes to get there and back because right when you walk out the door something will explode or be forgotten or really anything goes in this kiddo relm. I would count on a good hour and a half or two! ;)

We missed you at the big birthday party but we are excited to know that soon we will get to see our Auntie Beas and Uncle Ox!

Tonight Charis was eating dinner and she was looking at her place mat and said, "from Auntie Beas and Uncle Ox" so she knows that you were thinking of her even if you could not be here.

Well, get some rest tonight and have a GREAT field trip tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you - Thanks for the update. I'm glad you enjoyed the time with Tyson. He's a great guy.
I'll be praying that your field trip goes smoothly - and that you all have a good time. LOVE!!! Mom

"Alice" said...

hello ms. b! I think that everyone understands how the end of the year can be and it's hard to keep up on the blog as regular as you'd like. i think that you did an amazing job keeping us in the loop. i hope you have fun on your field trip and i'm so glad that you enjoyed your weekend with tyson!!! what are those games that you played? what is his new job? is he still a pilot? i'm sorry you missed charis' birthday...but obviously joy made sure that she knew you were with her in spirit. :) well good luck with the rest of the school year! thanks for the mention of the puppy! we'll talk soon.