Monday, April 09, 2007

Hi Ho, Hi Ho

It's back to work we go!

Today it was back to work for the both of us, after a week of vacation. It was a little bit of a jolt when the alarm went off this morning, but Matt was up and at 'em, which was nice. :) He hopped right in the shower and was already dressed when I left! WOW! :) For those of you who don't know his morning habits as well, he tends to take a bit longer than I to wake up and can move a little slowly in the morning. It's sweet. :) He really wanted to get a lot of work done in time for us to have a full evening together, so he headed off earlier than usual, and he was home shortly after 6:30 (another WOW)! :)

My kids were good. I thought they might be particularly sleepy, but they did a great job of keeping up and jumping right back into our usual pace. I'm really excited about our science and social studies from now until the end of the year and about beginning 4th grade math. Report cards go home tomorrow, and over half my class has all A's or all A's and B's. Hooray for my class!! :) They are hard workers!

Yesterday was a little bit of an unusual Easter; it was our first holiday away from family. Last Easter we had the blessing of celebrating with Uncle Randy and Aunt Janie. At our church's Easter egg hunt on Saturday (for which we ran the "potato sack race"), we ended up inviting another couple over to play Settlers (thank you again Jamie&Mark and Brad&Joy for introducing us to the game!) later that night. Then they asked the family who invited them for Easter lunch the next day if we could come too. hehe They graciously obliged, so we DID have some people to celebrate Easter with. Another family at church asked if we had plans too, which blessed me. God was going to surround us with Gainesville family one way or another. :)

In the service Sunday, Rob announced that our grand total for the capital stewardship program is over $1.2 million! That is such an amazing thing, and God is working so mightily!

Yesterday evening after we got settled back in at home, we took chocolate chip pies around to our neighbors. They so kindly and warmly introduced themselves when we moved in and made us feel welcome to our new neighborhood. I have NOT kept up with those families as I wish I would have, so I thought this was a good opportunity to get things going again. They were all very sweet, and it was a great way to wish them a happy Easter and renew those introductions and relationships.

I suppose that's about it for now. Just two last things... one--praise the Lord and congratulations to Mark and Jamie on the offer on their house!! And two, check out Ashley's blog on the right sidebar ("Ashley in Japan"). She was my best friend in middle school and the first good friend I made when we moved to Knoxville. She was also a bridesmaid in our wedding. :) Ashley is in the Navy, and just last week she made her way over to Japan where she'll be stationed for the next 2 years! :) Welcome to the blogging world, Ashley! You're really off to a SUPER start!

Love and blessings,